Paris flight AcademY

Professional airplane pilot school

Become an airplane pilot!

Paris Flight Academy is a professional airplane pilot and a certified ATO (Approved Training Organization) under the reference FR.ATO.0271

We are located at the aerodrome Saint-Cyr L’Ecole with direct access from the A13 motorway or the RER C / Transilien

Flexible schedules

In order to offer total flexibility to our students, we are open every day without interruption.

Professional Instructors

All our instructors holds a Commercial Pilot License (CPL)

Certified Course

Our training course has been approved by the General Direction of Civil Aviation (DGAC).


Our fleet is made up of identical aircraft, for greater flexibility, availability and efficiency.

Our training

By choosing Paris Flight Academy to become a pilot, you are entering an ATO-type course.

This means that the training you will be given has been validated by the DGAC.

This certifcationguarantees rigor ans standardization of teaching, for optimal progression.


The PPL License (Pricate Pilot License) allows piloting a private aircraft in all ICAO member countries. It is also the first step towards a possible career as a professional pilot.


After earning your PPL with Paris Flight Academy, we supervise your acquisition of experience, whether for private purposes or with the objective of progressing to a professional pilot.


Complementary training to the PPL, Night Flight certification, as its name suggests, allows you to fly at night. This is the key to discovering a magical world and unlocking important skills.


We offer tailor-made training for optimal preparation to earn your English Proficiency Certificate (FCL055). This will open the doors to foreign flights for you.

What they say about us...

Amazing school and such a beautiful airfield near the best of Paris!” Laura Moore

Very nice school. The service was very personalized. It was my first time visiting France and do not speak french. I was able to communicate perfectly in english with the most welcoming and professional instructors. My entire lesson was very detailed and in english (even learned some new words in french). I got to fly over the Versailles castle and I would definitely go again when i visit Paris.” Fabiola Larach


Hangar 100
Aérodrome St Cyr l'école

Open days

7 days a week


+33 1 84 73 11 80

Contact us

Come to visit us!

Paris Flight Academy

Hangar 100
78210 Saint-Cyr l'école

Stay in touch!